Fade by marker

The expression allows you to animate the Opacity parameter so that after the marker the transparency gradually decreases to zero, and on the next marker it gradually increases to 100%. Moving the markers, the transparency animation will move along with them. Thus, you can arrange any number of markers and animate fades without using keys. To put a marker on the layer, you must press the [*] button.

if (marker.numKeys > 0){ m = marker.nearestKey(time);
frIn = 5; // Duration of appearance (in frames)
frOut = 15; // Duration of disappearance (in frames)
t = m.time;
if (m.index%2){ ease(time,t,t+frOut*thisComp.frameDuration,100,0) }else{ ease(time,t,t+frIn*thisComp.frameDuration,0,100) } }else{ value }
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