3D-layer orient to camera

With this expression, the 3D layer will always face toward the camera, without any tilts and distortions, as it happens if you use auto-orientation on the camera. Applies to Orientation parameter.

L = thisComp.activeCamera;
u = fromWorldVec(L.toWorldVec([1,0,0]));
v = fromWorldVec(L.toWorldVec([0,1,0]));
w = normalize(fromWorldVec(L.toWorldVec([0,0,1])));

sinb = clamp(w[0],-1,1);
b = Math.asin(sinb);
cosb = Math.cos(b);
if (Math.abs(cosb) > .0005){
c = -Math.atan2(v[0],u[0]);
a = -Math.atan2(w[1],w[2]);
a = (sinb < 0 ? -1 : 1)*Math.atan2(u[1],v[1]);
c = 0;
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